Paideuma 37

Portfolio for Mary’s LXXXVth
Richard Sieburth, “Introduction”
“Mary de Rachewiltz in Conversation with Richard Sieburth”
Gais, the Beauties of the Tyrol by Maria Pound
Richard Sieburth, “Introductory Note”
Facsimile Reproductions:
Original Typescript [Italian]
English Translation by Ezra Pound
Japanese Translation from Reijoki
Mary de Rachewiltz, “Chronicle: The Brunnenburg Tapestry”
Cat and Salamander: A Tale in Six Captions by Ezra Pound
Siegfried de Rachewiltz, “Salamander Days”
Facsimile Reproduction (Illustrated by Boris de Rachewiltz)
Ezra Pound, “From Father to Daughter: Selected Letters” (ed. Richard Taylor)
The Rais Uli Myth
Richard Sieburth, “Introduction”
Ezra Pound, “The Rais Uli Myth / Being Tangier in Dry Point”
Gregory Merrill Harvey and Emily Mitchell Wallace, “Mary Rudge de Rachewiltz: Some Photographs from Her 80th Birthday Party”
Evelyn Haller, “Shadows on the Rock: A Book in American English Ezra Pound Gave to His Daughter That She Might Learn His Mother Tongue”
Sean Pryor, “‘How Will You Know?’: Paradise, Paintingm and the Writing of Ezra Pound’s Canto 3”
Jeffrey Westover, “‘My Sense of Property’s / Adrift’: Attitudes Toward Land, Property and Nation in the Poetry of Lorine Niedecker”
Joshua Clover, “‘A Form Adequate to History’: Toward a Renewed Marxist Poetics”
Mary Bamburg, “Report on the 3rd International Conference on ‘Modernism and the Orient’”
Emily Mitchell Wallace, “In Memoriam: William Frank McNaughton”
Front Cover: Tyrolean mask from the cover of Tiroler Masken by Mary de Rachewiltz (Milan: All’Insegna del Pesce d’Oro, 1960). Ezra Pound: “where the masks come from, in the Tirol, / in the winter season / searching every house to drive out the demons” (Canto 74).