Paideuma 30.3

Thumbnail of cover for Paideuma volume 30.3
Volume 30.3 / 2001

The Periplum

Miklós Péti, “Usura Alone Not Understood?: A Rhetorical Consideration of ‘Usura’ in The Cantos

Feng Lan, “Ezra Pound’s Etymographic reading and His Interpretation of Confucian Texts”

Rebecca Beasley, “Dada’s Place in The Cantos

Andre Stipanovic, “Ezra Pound’s Coming of War in the Long Poem: Persona and the Historical Narrative in ‘Near Perigord’”

David Farley, “‘Damn the Partition!’: Ezra Pound and the Passport Nuisance”

Chris Jones, “One a Bird Bore Off: Anglo-Saxon and the Elegiac in The Cantos

The Explicator

Yang Lian, “‘In the Timeless Air’: Chinese Language, Pound and The Cantos

The Documentary

Cameron McWhirter, “‘Dear Poet-General and Walloper’: The Correspondence of Ezra Pound and Harold W. Thompson 1936-1939”

Boris Avdeyev, “Pound in Russia: Translations and Studies”

Archie Henderson, “The Correspondence of Ezra Pound: More Addenda to the Location Register

The Departments

Letter to the Editor