Paideuma 29.3

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Volume 29.3 / 2000

The Periplum

James Wilson, “His own Skiffsman: Pound, China, & Cathay Revis[it]ed”

Line Henriksen, “Chiarosuro: Canto 36 and Donna Mi Prega

A. David Moody, “‘EP with Two Pronged Fork of Terror and Cajolery’: The Construction of His Anti-Semitism (up to 1939)”

John W. Maerhofer, Jr., “Towards an Esthetic of Translation: An Examination of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory”

Bill Friend, “‘All Wandering as the Worst of Sinning’: Don Juan and The Cantos

Stephen Sicari, “Pound as Archeologist: Reconstructing Nature”

Anna Xiao Dong Sun, “The Man That Is Waiting: Remarks on Li Po’s ‘Chokan Shin’ and Pound’s ‘The River-Merchant’s Wife’”

Greg Barnhisel, “Ezra Pound, James Laughlin and New Directions: The Publisher as Spin Doctor”

Yoshika Kita, “Ezra Pound and Haiku: Why Did Imagists Hardly Mention Basho?”

Kevin Arthur Wong, “Blurring of Poet and Persona in Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberly

Nicolas Z. Ambrus, “The White Light That is Allness: Ezra Pound’s Cantos on Love”

The Explicator

Anna Kventsel, “The Crystallization of Pound’s Canto LXXIV”

The Documentary

A. David Moody, “‘The Walk There Is Good Poetry’: The Missing Rochechouart Notebook of Pound’s 1912 Walking Tour”

The Obituary

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Vanni Scheiwiller, “Italian publisher of Ezra Pound”

The Reviewer

Wayne Pounds (Il Mare: Supplemento Letterario 1932-1933)