Paideuma 28.1

The Periplum
Daniel Tiffany, “Pound, Frobenius, and Jünger: The Spell of the World-Picture”
Alan Marshall, “Politics and Process”
Jonathan Ausubel, “Three Functions and Some Forgery: (Mis)uses of Visual Poetics in Pound’s Cantos“
Jacqueline Kaye, “Pound and Heresy”
Ethan Lewis, “Imagist Technique in The Cantos“
Tod Marshall, “‘Ten cats. Your Score: Verrrrrry Good’: An Ezra Pound Correspondence Course”
The Biographer
Tony Tremblay, “‘Boris Is Very Intelligent and “Simpatico” and Interested in Worthwhile Things’: The Association of Ezra Pound and Prince Boris de Rachewiltz”
The Reviewer
Alec Marsh (Leon Surette and Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, eds., Literary Tradition and the Occult Tradition)
Britton Gildersleeve (Robert Kern, Orientalism, Modernism, and the Occult Poem)
Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Pound/Williams: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams, ed. Hugh Witemeyer)