Paideuma 26.2-3

Tributes to Carroll F. Terrell
Massimo Bacigalupo, “Ten for Terry”
Walter Baumann, “And Kung Smiled upon All of Them Equally (13/58)”
Mary de Rachewiltz, “For Carroll F. Terrell”
Photo Gallery
M. G. N. Dunlap, “On the Road with C. F. Terrell”
Burton Hatlen, “Carroll Terrell and Great American Poetry Wars”
Richard Hill, “Untitled”
Sanehide Kodama, “Professor Terrell’s One Summer Day in Maine”
James Laughlin, “Untitled”
Nancy MacKnight, “A Memory of Travels with Terry”
Colin McDowell, “Meeting Terry”
Petr Mikeš, “Carroll F. Terrell, a Real Character and a Real Great Mainer”
Marjorie Perloff, “Untitled”
Matt Sweney, “Letters from My Ginmill, Regarding Carroll F. Terrell”
Emily Mitchell Wallace, “A Maine Man of Grace”
James J. Wilhelm, “Tribute to Terry”
The Periplum
David Peters Corbett, “Make It New: Lawrence Binyon, Pound and Voritcism”
David Grubbs, “Pattern History: Ezra Pound and Vorticist Music”
Silvia Bigliazzi, “The Sound of Silence: Pound, Eliot, and the Image”
Omar Pound, “Canto LXXX: Lacock Abbey and the Charter of 1225”
James Laughlin, “Ezra”
Papers from the National Poetry Foundation
“American poetry in the 1950s” Conference,
Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos
Ellen Keck Stauder, “‘Crystal Waves Weaving Together’: Visual Notation and the Phrasal Music of the Rock-Drill Cantos“
Brian M. Reed, “Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in Rock-Drill“
Michael Golston, “Inaudible Rhythms: Form in Ezra Pound’s Cantos of the Fifties”
William Cole, “Pound’s Web: Hypertext in the Rock-Drill Cantos“
Patricia Cockram, “Hypertextuality and Pound’s Fascist Aesthetic”
Miranda B. Hickman, “Pamphlets and Blue China (OR ‘Cheap Books of GOOD Work’): Pound’s Preference for Plainness in the 1950s”
The Reviewer
Alec Marsh (“Dear Uncle George”: The Correspondence between Ezra Pound and Congressman Tinkham of Massachusetts)
Rita Severi (Massimo Bacigalupo, Licia Filingeri, Pietro Gaietto, James Laughlin, Martino Oberto, Ezra Pound, Mary de Rachewiltz, Pietro Gaietto: Conquanta Sculture sui Cantos di Ezra Pound / Fifty Sculptues on The Cantos of Ezra Pound)
Alec Marsh (Ezra Pound, Machine Art and Other Writings)
Christina Biélaszka-DuVernay (Evelyn Silber, Gaudier-Brzeska: Life and Art)