Paideuma 24.1

This Issue of Paideuma Is Dedicated to
Olga Rudge
on the Occasion of her 100th Birthday
April 13, 1995
The Periplum
Anne Conover, “Her Name Was Courage: Olga Rudge, Pound’s Muse and the ‘Circe/Aphrodite’ of the Cantos”
Marisa Anne Pagnattaro, “The ‘Unwobbling Pivot’: Uncertainty and Process in The Pisan Cantos“
Claudia Ingram, “Sharing Strategies with the Discourses of Authority: Ezra Pound and the Legal ‘Modernists’”
Yuet May Ching, “From Priest to Victim: The Problem of Sacrifice in Allen Upward and Ezra Pound”
Colin McDowell, “Using the Dictionary: Wicket Gate and Wormwood”
The Explicator
Leslie Hatcher, “‘Circe’s This Craft’: The Active Female Principle in The Cantos“
Evan R. Karachalios, “Sacrifice and Selectivity in Ezra Pound’s First Canto”
Cameron McWhirter and Ramsay Muhler, “Serious Character to Funny Man: Ezra Pound’s Brief Correspondence with Alexander Woollcott”
Sylvan Esh, “Paquin and Davila: Pulling Down Vanity in Canto 81”
The Reviewer
Ronald Bush (Variorum Edition of “Three Cantos”: A Prototype, ed. Richard Taylor)
Richard Taylor (Ezra Pound and James Laughlin, Selected Letters, ed. David M. Gordon)
Leszek Engelking (Ezra Pound, Chtel jsem napsat raj (vybor z dila), ed. Petr Mikeš; tr. Kamil Bednar, Jitka Herynkova, and Petr Mikeš; intr. Josef Jarab)
Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (The Letters of Ezra Pound to Alice Corbin Henderson, ed. Ira B. Nadel)