Paideuma 23.1

Thumbnail of cover for Paideuma volume 23.1
Volume 23.1 / 1994

Guest-Edited by David Gordon


Dove Sta Memora

Mary de Rachewiltz, “Dove Sta Memora”

The Vortex

Lorrie Goldensohn, “‘The Speech of Her Stringed Shell’: Mary Barnard’s Sappho

Angela Christy, “The Mary Barnard Translation of Sappho”

Molly O’Hara Ewing, “The Poetry of Mary Barnard: A Study in Voice and Verse”

The Periplum

Thomas J. Donovan, “Eucharistia”

Dell Hymes, “Myth Making”

The Gallery

Photographs of Mary Barnard

The Explicator

Mary Barnard, “A Communication on Greek Metric. Ezra Pound, and Sappho

Mary Barnard, “Further Notes on Metric”

David Gordon, “Ezra Pound to Mary Barnard: An ABC of Metrics”

The Documentary

James Laughlin, “From Laughlin’s Catullus through Theocritus to Barnard’s Sappho”

The Bibliographer

Elizabeth J. Bell and Mary Barnard, “Bibliographic Record of Periodical and Book Publication”

The Reviewer

Ted Enslin (Mary Barnard, Time and the White Tigress)

Colin McDowell (Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, The Celestial Tradition: A Study of Ezra Pound’s The Cantos)

In Memoriam

Omar S. Pound, “Col. John L. Steele”