Paideuma 21.3

The Periplum
William McNaughton, “Kingdoms of the Earp: Carpenter and Criticism”
Walter Baumann, “The German-Speaking World in The Cantos“
Michael Faherty, “The Third Dimension: Ezra Pound and Wassily Kandinsky”
Daniel Tiffany, “The Cryptic Image”
The Explicator
Thomas W. Ford, “Recollections on First Reading an Ezra Pound Letter”
Glenn Willmott, “And Was Ezra Pound Ours? A Commentary on Canto XC”
Teresa Winterhalter, “Eyeless in Siena, or Ezra Pound’s Vision Through History”
The Reviewer
Colin McDowell (The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn 1915-1924, ed. Timothy Materer)
Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Akiko Miyake, Ezra Pound and the Mysteries of Love: A Plan for The Cantos)
Reed Way Dasenbrock (Lawrence S. Rainey, Ezra Pound and the Monument of Culture: Text, History, and the Malatesta Cantos)