Paideuma 21.1-2

Thumbnail of cover for Paideuma volume 21.1-2
Volume 21.1-2 / 1992

The Periplum

Walter Baumann, “Yeats and Ireland in The Cantos

Paul Skinner, “Pounding, Hoofing, Kipling: Attitudes to Rudyard Kipling in the Writings of Ezra Pound and Ford Madox Ford”

Tim Dean, “How Long Is the Pound Era?”

Marinelle Ringer, “The Rhythmic Structure of Pound’s Canto IV”

Norman Wacker, “The Subject Repositioned / The Subject Repossessed: Authority and the Ethos of Performance in The Pisan Cantos

Steven Yao, “‘And With You Especially, There Was Nothing at Cross-Purpose’: Pound’s Treatment of Women in Cathay

Maria Luisa Ardizzione, “Pound’s Language in Rock-Drill, Two Theses for a Genealogy”

The Explicator

Elizabeth Bruce, “Empedocles’s Golden Age of Aphrodite in Pound’s Later Cantos”

K. Narayana Chandran, “Ezra Pound’s ‘Meitatio’: Two Notes”

Songping Jin, “‘The Coral Face,’ ‘The Tree of the Visages’ and the Cherry Tree”

Sylvan Esh, “‘In a Station’: Provence, London”

Jyan-Lung Lin, “Pound’s ‘In a station of the Metro’ as a Yugen Haiku”

Richard R. O’Keefe, “Impingement: The End of Pound’s Canto LXXX

David Gordon, “The Golden Caesura (2)”


Lawrence S. Rainey, “A Poem Including History [facsimile reprint]”

Ira B. Nadel, “The Cantos of Ezra Pound . . . . . . A Poem Including History: A Checklist of Items on Exhibit at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library 20 October-22 December 1989”

Sebastian D. G. Knowles, “Ezra Pound to Alice Steiner Amdur, 23 January 1937”

Archie Henderson, “Addenda to ‘Pound Centennial Events: A Checklist’”

The Reviewer

Laura Cowan (James Longenbach, Stone Cottage: Pound, Yeats, and Modernism)

Cover: Japanese Tea Garden, Botanical Garden, Denver, Colorado. Photograph by Marie Alpert.