Paideuma 19.3

The Periplum
Jeffrey Twitchell, “Art and the Spirit of Capitalism: Iconography and History in The Usura Canto”
Peter Crisp, “Pound, Leibnitz and China”
Peter Dale Scott, “Anger in Paradise: The Poetic Voicing of Disorder in Pound’s Later Cantos“
Stephen Sicari, “The Epic Ambition: Reading Dante”
Scott Hamilton, “Serenely in the Crystal Jet: A Note on Pound’s Symbolist Inheritance”
E. P. Walkiewicz and Hugh Witemeyer, “A Public Bank in Canto 40”
Peter Dale Scott, “Pound in ‘The Waste Land,’ Eliot in The Cantos“
The Explicator
Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “‘The Fourth; the Dimension of Stillness’: D. P. Ouspensky and Fourth Dimensionalism in Canto 49”
Timothy H. Scherman, “Towards a New Translation of Canto III”
Reed Way Dasenbrock, “Cantos 72 and 73: What Kind of Textbook?”
Francis J. Bosha, “Hemingway and MacLeish on Pound: A Consideration of a Certain Unpublished Correspondence”
Barbara Will, “Pound’s Feminine Other: A Reading of Canto 29”
The Reviewer
Tim Redman (Jean-Michel Rabaté, Language Sexuality and Ideology in Ezra Pound’s Cantos)
D. M. Hooley (Pound/Zukofsky: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and Louis Zukofsky, ed. Barry Ahearn)
This cover is a pen and ink drawing of Ezra Pound at St. Elizabeth’s. A note from the original editors: “If anyone can figure out the signature, please let us know.”