Paideuma 17.1
The Periplum
Michael Coyle, “‘A Profounder Didacticism’: Ruskin, Orage and Pound’s Reception of Social Credit”
Brian Arkins, “Pound’s Propertius: What Kind of Homage?”
Ellen Keck Stauder, “Towards a Grammar of Relationships: The Rhetoric of Music in Pound and Rousseau”
Paul Skinner, “Of Owls and Waterspouts”
Edward H. Baker, “Historical Mediation in Two Translations of Ezra Pound”
Todd H. Sammons, “A Note on the Milton Criticism of Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot”
The Explicator
Nicolas Z. Ambrus, “To the Unwobbling Pivot”
David Roessel, “‘Near Perigord’ and a Mycenaean Trade War”
György Novák, “A Note on ‘Syria’ in C74/432”
Chang Yao-Xin, “Pound’s Chinese Translations”
Mohammad Shaheen, “Pound’s Transmission of Ittisal in Canto 76″
Marius Buning, “Ezra Pound in the Lowlands”
The cover image is titled “Usura,” by Robert LaVigne. It was done in 1985 during the height of the Ethiopian famine and drought, hence the poignancy of the fan-bearer. The print is provided by Steven Chandler of Seattle.