Paideuma 15.2-3

The Periplum
Kathryne V. Lindberg, “Tradition and Heresy: Pound’s Dissociation from Eliot”
Martin A. Kayman, “Ezra Pound: The Color of His Money”
Ian F. A. Bell, “A Mere Surface: Wyndham Lewis, Henry James and the ‘Latitude’ of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley“
John J. Nolde, “Ezra Pound and the Ta Hio: The Making of a Confucian”
Mohammad Shaheen, “Pound and Arabic”
M. L. Rosenthal, “Discovering E. P.”
The Explicator
Donald Gallup, “Ezra Pound’s “An Opening for Agamemnon“
Walter Baumann, “‘Birds, Said Hudson, Are Not Automata’”
G. Schmidt, “The Ezra Pound Stone at Medinaceli”
Colin McDowell, “Look before Seeing”
Stephen J. Adams, “Apovitch in Canto XII”
Jeff Twitchell, “A Church Note”
Eliot Weinberger, “A Note on the Cathay Ideogram”
John Leigh, “‘An Odd Sort of Post-Graduate Course’: Ezra Pound’s First Course in Modern Poetry Discovered”
David M. Gordon, “Blum’s Bidet Revisited, or The Final Solution”
The Biographer
Sheri Martinelli, “A Memoir”
Kathleen Flanagan, “Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell: English Poetics in Renditions of Chinese Poetry”
Celeste Goodridge, “‘Firm Piloting of Rebellious Fluency’: Marianne Moore’s Reviews of The Cantos of Ezra Pound”
Hugh Witemeyer, “The Strange Progress of David Hsin-Fu Wand”
The Documentary
Tim Redman, “Pound’s Library: A Preliminary Catalog”
Omar Pound, “Addenda for Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespear: Their Letters, 1909-1914“
The Vortex
Marianne Korn, “E. P.: The Dance of Words”
Robert Lumsden, “Ezra Pound’s Imagism”
Francis McKee, “Commentary on the Drafts and Fragments“
Lionel Kelly, “Guide to Kulchur: The Book as Ball of Light”
Sanehide Kodama, “Mary de Rachewiltz in Japan”
A Tribute to Duncan Eaves
The Reviewer
Massimo Bacigalupo (Ezra Pound, I Cantos, Italian translation and editing by Mary de Rachewiltz)
James J. Wilhelm (The Garland Library of Medieval Literature from a Poundian Perspective)
Paul Smith (Philip Furia, Pound’s Cantos Declassified)
Leon Surette (Peter Makin, Pound’s Cantos)
The rare portrait of Pound used for the cover is provided by Quentin Keynes. Text beneath the picture reads: “Portrait of Ezra Pound / author of / POEMS 1918-20 / Including ‘Three Portraits’ / Boni & Liveright $2.00.”