Paideuma 15.1

The Periplum
Walter Sutton, “Coherence in Pound’s Cantos and William James’s Pluralistic Universe”
Hugh Witemeyer, “‘Of Kings’ Treasures’: Pound’s Allusion to Ruskin in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley“
John Espey, “Some Notes on ‘The Return’”
The Explicator
John J. Nolde, “Some Observations on Gaudier-Brzeska’s Bronze Drum”
Kay Davis, “Three Techniques Made New”
John Leigh, “Arthur Symons and the Evolution of Pound’s Concepts of Abusoltue Rhythm and Precision”
Richard Sawyer, “Sir Edward Coke and the Banishment of Usury”
Brita Lindberg-Seyersted, “Cher F.: Another Item in the Correspondence Between Ezra Pound and Ford Madox Ford”
David Gordon, “Notes on ‘Katze’ and ‘Wand’”
The Documentary
John Lash, “Donna Mi Priegha [A Literal Translation]”
John Lash, “Making Sense of Donna Mi Priegha”
Paul Hoover, “Two Pound Letters”
Ezra Pound, “Letters to Andrews”
Ezra Pound, “Letters to Woodward”
The Vortex
Hugh Witemeyer, “The Yale Centennial Conference”
Sandehide Kodama, “The Seventh Annual Meeting of the Ezra Pound Society of Japan”
Robert G. Waite, “The Ezra Pound Centennial Conference in Hailey, Idaho”
The Reviewer
Reed Way Dasenbrock (Pound/Lewis: The Letters of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis, ed. Timothy Materer)
Ron Thomas (Ronnie Apter, Digging for the Treasure: Translation after Pound)
This issue’s cover features a drawing by the wife of Petr Mikeš, our associate from the Czech Republic.