Paideuma 14.1

Thumbnail of cover for Paideuma volume 14.1
Volume 14.1 / 1985

The Periplum

Jerome Kavka, “‘Olson Saved My Life’: Ezra Pound”

Philip Kuberski, “Ego, Scriptor: Pound’s Odyssean Writing”

Lee Bartlett, “The Pound/de Angulo Connection”

Richard Sawyer, “‘To Know the Histories’: L. A. Waddell’s Sumer and Akkad”

The Explicator

Ezra Pound, “Letter to Wyndham Lewis”

Franz Link, “Another Note on Ezra Pound’s ‘Papyrus’”

David Gordon, “A Note on ‘Crusaders’ Bows’”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “To ‘See Again,’ or the Dangers of Unlimited Reference”

The Vortex

Brita Lindberg-Seyersted and Archie Henderson, “Pound/Ford: Addenda and Corrections”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Getting Around: The ‘Ezra Pound in Venice’ Conference at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini”

Peggy L. Fox, “Copyright for Scholars”

The Reviewer

Andrew Ross (Alan Durant, Ezra Pound, Identity in Crisis: A Fundamental Reassessment of the Poet and His Work; Paul Smith, Pound Revised)

David Anderson and Wendy Stallard Flory (Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespear: Their Letters, 1909-1914, ed. Omar Pound and A. Walton Litz)

This cover was provided by Petr Mikeš, our associate in the Czech Republic.