Paideuma 13.3

The Periplum
Angela Elliott, “Pound’s ‘Isis Kuanon’: An Ascension Motif in The Cantos“
Walter Baumann, “Ezra Pound’s Metamorphosis during His London Years: From Late-Romanticism to Modernism”
Marcella Booth, “Ezrology: The Class of ’57”
James Longenbach, “Ezra Pound’s Canzoni: Toward a Poem Including History”
The Explicator
Carroll F. Terrell, “Salta Sin Barra!”
Robert F. Fleissner, “Frost’s Ancient Music”
N. M. Perret, “‘God’s Eye Art ‘Ou’: Eleusis as a Paradigm for Enlightenment in Canto CVI”
The Vortex
Colin Edwards, “Ninth International Pound Conference Report”
Philippe Mikriammos, “Cantos, Traduction: Les Mésaventures de l’Original”
The Reviewer
Akiko Miyake (Nobuko Tsukui, Ezra Pound and Japanese Noh Plays)
John J. Nolde (John Driscoll, The China Cantos of Ezra Pound)
Walter Baumann (Marianne Korn, Ezra Pound: Purpose, Form, Meaning)
This cover shows Odysseus at the Mast, a fifth-century vase painting from Vulci. Pound was interest in the German version of Hugo Rahner’s Greek Myths and Christian Mystery (1957), from which this image was taken.