Paideuma 13.2

The Periplum
Colin McDowell, “‘As Towards a Bridge Over Worlds’: The Way of the Soul in The Cantos“
John Cayley, “Ch’eng, or Sincerity”
Hwa Yol Jung, “Misreading the Ideogram: From Fenollosa to Derrida and McLuhan”
Peter Faulkner, “Pound and the Pre-Raphaelites”
The Explicator
Peter D’Epiro, “Whose Vanity Must Be Pulled Down?”
Kevin Oderman, “Of Vision, Tennis Courts, and Glands”
David M. Gordon, “Note on an Ideogram”
Max Nänny, “More Menippus than Calliope: A Reply
The Biographer
Archie Henderson, “Pound’s Contributions to L’Art Libre (1920)”
Jeffrey Meyers, “New Light on Iris Barry”
Lorne A. Reznowski, “The ‘Chesterbelloc’ and Ezra Pound”
The Reviewer
James J. Wilhelm (David Anderson, Pound’s Cavalcanti: An Edition of the Translations)
Joseph Brogunier (Peter D’Epiro, A Touch of Rhetoric: Ezra Pound’s Malatesta Cantos)
James Generoso (Mary De Rachewiltz, Italian Translation of Cantos I-XXX)
The cover of this issue was taken from a Japanese fan provided by Akiko Miyake.