Paideuma 11.2

The Periplum
Sanehide Kodama, “Cathay and Fenollosa’s Notebooks”
Timothy Materer, “Doppelgänger: Ezra Pound in His Letters”
Kevin Oderman, “‘Cavalcanti’: That the Body Is Not Evil”
The Explicator
Ben D. Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “How the Medici Went Bust”
Reno Odlin, “Dinklage”
Francis J. Bosha, “Pound’s References to Borah and Stalin in Canto 84”
Mohammad Y. Shaheen, “A Note on the Spelling of ‘Habdimlich’ for ‘Abd Al-Malik in The Cantos“
The Documentary
Lee Bartlett and Hugh Witemeyer, “Ezra Pound and James Dickey: A Correspondence and a Kinship”
David Gordon, “Corpus Juris and Canto XCIV”
The Vortex
Brendan Jackson, “A Reluctant American: Ezra Pound’s Response to Whitman, Whistler and Henry James”
Margot Speight, “Dorothy Pound at Work”
The Reviewer
Michael King (H.D., HERmione)
Martin A. Kayman (Ian F. A. Bell, Critic as Scientist: The Modernist Poetics of Ezra Pound)