Paideuma 11.1

The Periplum
Kay Davis, “Fugue and Canto LXIII”
William French and Timothy Materer, “Far Flung Vortices & Ezra’s ‘Hindoo’ Yogi”
Andrew J. Kappel, “Napoleon and Talleyrand in The Cantos“
William French, “‘Saint Hilda,’ Mr. Pound, and Rilke’s Parisian Panther at Pisa”
The Explicator
Peter Myers, “The Metre of Canto XLVII”
Terri Brint Joseph, “‘Near Perigord’: A Perplexity of Voice”
David Gordon, “‘The City of Dioce’ and China”
The Bibliographer
Leszek Engelking, “Ezra Pound in Poland”
The Vortex
A. D. Moody, “The Pisan Cantos: Making Cosmos in the Wreckage of Europe”
Matthew Little, “Pound’s Use of the Word Totalitarian“
Brendan Jackson, “Seventh International Ezra Pound Conference, University of Sheffield, 11-14 April 1981”
Sanehide Kodama, “Third Annual Meeting of the Ezra Pound Society of Japan”
The Reviewer
David Anderson (Ezra Pound: Lettere 1907-1958, ed. Aldo Tagliaferri, trans. Girolamo Mancuso and Wilma Rodeghiero)
John C. Hirsh (James J. Wilhelm, The Poetry of Arnaut Daniel)
This cover is a drawing by Guy Davenport of “The Red Stone Dancer,” one of Pound’s favorite Gaudier-Brzeska sculptures. The image was also used for the cover of Paideuma 1.1.