Paideuma 10.3

The Periplum
Robert Fitzgerald, “Mirroring the Commendia: An Appreciation of Laurence Binyon’s Version”
Hiroko Uno, “Li-Po and Translation by Ezra Pound”
Scott Johnson, “The ‘Tools’ of the Ideogramic Method”
Akiko Miyake, “Contemplation East and West: A Defense of Fenollosa’s Synthetic Language and Its Influence on Ezra Pound”
Marianne Korn, “Truth Near Perigord”
The Explicator
Eva Hesse, “Raymonde Collignon, or (Apropos Paideuma, 7-1&2, pp, 345-46): The Duck that Got Away”
Eva Hesse, “Helen’s nostos, the ‘Cup of White Gold’”
Xu Qi-Ping, “Pound’s Translation of a Chinese Poem”
Walter Baumann, “Gerhart…Ständebuch”
Jonathan Morse, “What’s His Name”
Philip Furia, “Pound and Blake on Hell”
The Documentary
Ezra Pound, “Mr. Dunning’s Poetry”
Ralph Cheever Dunning, “The Four Winds”
Basil Bunting, “The Village Fields”
The Vortex
Edgar M. Glenn, “Pound and Ovid”
Harvey Kail, “Report on Works-in-Progress”
The Reviewer
Walter Sutton (George Kearns, Guide to Ezra Pound’s Selected Cantos)
George F. Butterick (Michael André Bernstein, The Tale of the Tribe: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic)
Bruce W. Richman (Forrest Read, ’76: One World and The Cantos of Ezra Pound)
Burton Hatlen (Marjorie Perloff, The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage)
The cover features a teardrop bottle from the Natzler Collection of Ceramics at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Photograph by Max Yavno.