Paideuma 10.2

The Periplum
Walter Baumann, “Ezra Pound and Magic: Old World Tricks in a New World Poem”
Hans-Joachim Zimmermann, “Ezra Pound, ‘A Song of the Degrees’: Chinese Clarity versus Alchemical Confusion”
Ian F. A. Bell, “Pound’s Vortex: Shapes Ancient and Modern”
Helen M. Dennis, “The Eleusinian Mysteries as an Organizing Principle in the Pisan Cantos“
Daniel Bornstein, “The Poet as Historian: Researching the Malatesta Cantos”
The Explicator
Eva Hesse, “Klages in Canto LXXV/450: A Positive Identification”
Peter D’Eprio, “Canto 74: New Light on Lucifer”
George Bornstein, “‘What Porridge had John Keats?’: Pound’s ‘L’Art’ and Browning’s ‘Popularity’”
Ben D. Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “‘Tremaine at 2 in the Morning’ and Other Little Mysteries”
Daniel Pearlman, “Canto 52: The Vivante Passage”
Reno Odlin, “Materials Toward an Essay on Zukofsky’s ‘A’“
Franz Link, “A Note on ‘The Apparition of These Faces…’ in The House of Mirth and ‘In a Station of the Metro’”
The Biographer
David Anderson, “Breaking the Silence: The Interview of Vanni Ronsisvalle and Pier Pasolini with Ezra Pound in 1968”
Michael King, “Go, Little Book: Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle and ‘Hilda’s Book’”
David Feldman, “Ezra Pound: A Poet in a Cage”
The Documentary
Ezra Pound, “Letters from Ezra Pound to Joseph Brewer” (edited with commentary by Brita Lindberg-Seyersted)
Zeami Motokiyo, “Yoro translated from the Japanese by Nobuko Tsukui”
Akiko Miyake, “Commentary on Professor Tsukui’s Translation of Yoro“
The Vortex
Clark Emery, “Father William” and “St. Elizabeths”
John Shea and Timothy Romano, “The Pound-Williams Conference”
The Bibliographer
Peter Schneeman, “Pound in Romania”
Eric Fridman, “Sources of Canto XIII”
The Reviewer
David Anderson (Italian Images of Ezra Pound: Twelve Critical Essays, ed. and trans. Angela Jung and Guido Palandri)
Clark Emery (Wendy Stallard Flory, Ezra Pound and the Cantos: A Record of Struggle)
François Sauzey (Michael Berstein, The Tale of the Tribe: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic)
This cover features a cut from a poster announcing the issue of Secolul 20, which contained the “Ezra Pound – In Memoriam” section. This photograph was provided by Peter Schneeman.