
Submissions to Paideuma are welcome during our reading period, August through March. Articles received outside of the reading period can be held for review in the subsequent reading period, if the author so chooses.

Contributors are asked to format their manuscripts following MLA style guidelines, including a properly formatted Works Cited list and parenthetical in-text citations (rather than footnotes). All text should be double-spaced, including end notes and works cited. All punctuation and spelling should follow American usage.

We accept electronic submissions at We request two versions of the document: one Microsoft Word (or otherwise compatible) document with a cover page that includes any identifying information, and one PDF document without a cover page or any other identifying information (for purposes of anonymous review). It is crucial that the text of the two electronic formats be otherwise identical, with the only exception being that of the omission of the cover sheet from the PDF version. Contributors of manuscripts using unpublished materials must secure permission for their publication in Paideuma. On being granted publication permission, please send a copy of the permission letter to Paideuma.