black and white photo of a man wearing a hat and a white collared shirt staring blankly at the camera with flowers in one hand
I Wanted to Tell You (1988)
black and white drawing of two boys, one is kneeling and looking up at the other
The Marrano: Poems by Barry Goldensohn (1988)
sketched outline of an old man's face
Poems: New and Selected (1988)
black and white photo of pioneers with their carriages
Coyote’s Journal #11 (1987)
black and white photo of a globe in front of a river with a town and bridge in the background
By Contraries and Other Poems (1987)
black cover with white title text, the title text is shaped like a half circle
Riding the Big Earth (1987)
ombre shades of purple and blue as the cover
Dark and Light: A Draft of Ten New Cantos (1986)
black and white abstract cover with small decorative squares floating around the cover
Collected Poems (1986)
light green filter over wood with white text
Collected Poems (1986)
White and light blue cover art with a drawing of three arabic men
Arabic and Persian Poems in English (1986)
light green background with white small drawings of trees
In the American Tree: Language, Realism, Poetry (1986)
neon blue background with a white lighting bolt in the middle
Rod and Lightning: A Draft of Fifteen New Cantos (1985)
red ombre background with white title text
Smoke and Fire: A Draft of Sixteen Cantos of a Poem of Some Length (1985)
black background and white sketch of a bedroom
Collected Poems (1984)
red filter over a picture of flowers growing up a wall
Prima Della Rivoluzione (1984)
black and white abstract cover
On That Day (1983)
red and white abstract cover
Collected Poems 1969-1982 (1983)
a nude and white abstract cover
Collected Poems (1983)
red and white background, drawing of an ancient Greek woman picking up a vase next to a column.
If Hell, Hellas (1982)
white background with a red phoenix
Collected Poems (1977)