Patrick Kavanagh : Man and Poet

Thumbnail of cover for Patrick Kavanagh : Man and Poet
Patrick Kavanagh : Man and Poet (1986)

This substantial volume gives the Irish poet and novelist a hitherto unexampled dimension, authority, and authenticity. Besides the assessments of such critics as Vivienne Abbott, Robert Creeley, Augustine Martin, and Francis Boylan, the Man and Poet volume includes the personal memories and poignant and hilarious anecdotes of others who early or late had crossed his path either briefly or for longer periods of time but always with the sense of having met a human being more alive than most. Man and Poet is particularly valuable for pieces by Patrick Kavanagh himself which make up a kind of running autobiography and for an “Anthology” of poems which show his range of style and subject.


The Man

Patrick Kavanagh, “Angelhood”

Patrick Kavanagh, “Harvest Time 1930”

Patrick Kavanagh, “As I stood Upon My Native Heath”

Patrick Kavanagh, “Europe Is At War”

Peter Kavanagh, “Kavanagh Country”

Gerard Rice, “The Kavanagh Years”

Peter Kavanagh, “Writer”

Robert Greacen, “In a Genteel Guest House”

Patrick Kavanagh, “Dublin Pub Scene”

Renee Kilfeather, “Romantic”

Patrick Kavanagh, “The Lay of the Crooked Knight”

Patirck Kavanagh, “Letter to the Editor”

Patrick Kavanagh, “The Year 2021 A.D.”

The Bellman (Larry Morrow), “Meet Patrick Kavanagh”

Peter Kavanagh, “Kavanagh’s Weekly”

Peter Kavanagh, “The Kavanagh Case”

Ewart Milne, “London Encounter 1955”

Patrick Kavanagh, “Neglected Writer”

Patric Farrel, “A Memoir”

Patrick Kavanagh, “The Man They Couldn’t Kill”

Patrick Kavanagh, “An Interview”

Alan Warner, “Remembering Patrick Kavanagh”

Patrick Kavanagh, “A Column”

Patrick Kavanagh, “Self Portrait”

The Poet

Desmond Egan, “Homer’s Ghost” “Anthology of Patrick Kavanagh’s Verse and Prose”

Patrick Kavanagh, “Studies in the Technique of Poetry: Extracts from Ten Lectures”

Patrick Kavanagh, “From Monaghan to the Grand Canal”

Patrick Kavanagh, “On a Liberal Education”

Patrick Kavanagh, “The Poetic Spirit”

Kevin T. McEneaney, “Patrick Kavanagh: His Trinity”

John Arden, “Literary Emperor”

Augustine Martin, “The Apocalypse of Clay: Technique and Vision in The Great Hunger

James Liddy, “A Memoir of Parnassus”

Vivienne Abbott, “God in Woman in Kavanagh’s Writing”

Robert Creeley, “A True Poet”

Eamon Grennan, “A Piecemeal Meditation on Kavanagh’s Poetry”

George O’Brien, “The Walk of a Hundred Years: Kavanagh & Carleton”

Louis Simpson, “An Irish Poet”

Douglas Sealy, “As a Balladeer”

Michael O hAodha, “The Casting Out of Patrick Kavanagh”

Norma Jenckes, “The Rocky Road to Dublin: Patrick Kavanagh’s Apprenticeship, 1930-39”

Francis Stuart, “Earthy Visionary”

Francis Boylan, “Patrick Kavanagh”

The Testament

Peter Kavanagh, “Preface to the Bibliography”

Peter Kavanagh, “An Annotated Bibliography of Patrick Kavanagh”