Paideuma 46

Thumbnail of cover for Paideuma volume 46
Volume 46 / 2021

A Dossier on Jack Spicer’s Holy Grail
edited by Daniel C. Remein

Daniel C. Remein, “‘Galahad was invented by American Spies’: A Prefatory Note”

David Hadbawnik: “Jack Spicer and the English Department”

Alex Mueller: “Jack Spicer’s Grail in the Boston Public Library”

Daniel C. Remein: “‘(There is never an ocean in all Grail legend)’: Spicerian Utopia and the Inland Sea”

Laurie A. Finke and Martin B. Schichtman: “‘Can’t Get No Satisfaction’: Jack Spicer’s Medievalism”


Maureen Jameson, “Demons and Inconvenient Truths in a Previously Unpublished Fragment by William Carlos Williams”

William Carlos Williams, “A Demon Downed”

Other Essays

Daniel Benyousky: “Affirmative Limits in W. H. Auden’s ‘Ode to Terminus’”

Edward Alexander: “Theurgy, Anagogy, and the Problem of Esotericism in The Cantos”

Symposium: Community

Jacqueline Ardam: “Poetry, Contingency, and Twitter”

Clint Burnham

Cris Cheek: “On Giving Imperfection Reference: Provisional Community in Poetry, ‘On’ and ‘Off’ ‘The Page’”

Cheryl Clarke

Peter Coviello: “Done, and Done”

Ray DeJesus: “The inevitable I”

Kristin Dykstra: “Some Numbers, VERSUS: Fuzzy in the Mind”

Alec Finlay

Norman Fischer: “The First Congregational Church of Poetry”

Michael Kelleher: “A Note on the Affirmative”

Hank Lazer: “Poetry and Community: Of Being Numerous, Sometimes”

David Marriott

James Maynard: “Poetry in Buffalo: Some Thoughts on Print Community”

Peter O’Leary: “Community and Faith”

Bob Perelman: “A Timeline”

The Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt Recovery Project: “The Recovery of

Sarah Piatt and Community Scholarship”:

Elizabeth Renker

Jolie Braun

S. E. Andres: “Sallie Piatt: Queen of Queen City and of My Heart”

Larry Michaels: “Teamwork in the Rediscovery of Sarah Piatt’s Poetry”

David Pritchard: “On Community”

Suzanne Stein: “>>essay in unfriendliness”

Gillian White: “A Note for Paideuma”

John Wilkinson: “Community and the Cambridge School”

Concluding Remarks: Andrew Epstein: “A Paradox in Nature”

Covers: Posters for the Travelling Gallery campaign “Day of Access” by Alec Finlay