Paideuma 43

Alison Fraser, “Helen Adam’s Cat Collages”
Jonathan Mayhew, “Footnotes to Apocryphal Lorca”
Benjamin Friedlander, introduction to John Clarke’s notes to Charles Olson’s Buffalo seminars
John Clarke, “The 28 Phases of Charles Olson” and “The Archeology of Morning: Causal and Applied—” (1965)
J. P. Craig, “For Keeps: H. D. and the Negativity of The Gift”
Matthew Gibson, “‘No Room for the Root-Clutch’: Influence and Echoes from T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land in Ezra Pound’s ‘Eighth Canto’ (1922) and It Preliminary Typescript Drafts”
Zhaoming Qian, “Why Is Canto 49 Called the ‘Seven Lakes Canto’?”
Michael Kindellan, “‘I Have Always Loathed Reading’: Ezra Pound’s Late Cantos”
Matthew Sweney, “In Memoriam: Petr Mikeš”
Notes on Contributors
Cover: Collage by Helen Adam