Marianne Moore : Woman and Poet

Growing out of the NPF centennial conference on Marianne Moore, this volume includes essays on the poet’s life, her poetry, and her relationships with other writers and artists. Section One, “The Woman and Her Poetry,” includes essays on Moore’s Presbyterian affiliations and her relationship to New York City. Section Two, “The Poems and a Play,” provides close readings of such important poems as “A Grave” and “Poetry,” as well as more comprehensive discussions of her poetry and an essay on her one play, The Absentee. The third section, “Poet Among Poets, a Painter and Critics,” offers discussions of Moore’s relationships to other writers and artists, including Wallace Stevens, H.D., Elizabeth Bishop, Josephine Miles, and Georgia O’Keeffe. The volume concludes with a 177-page annotated bibliography of critical works on Moore published from 1977 to 1990.
Contributions by: Grace Schulman, Andrew J. Kappel, John M. Slatin, Daniel L. Guillory, Charles Molesworth, Margaret Holley, Elizabeth Gregory, Bonnie Honigsblum, Sister Bemetta Quinn, Lisa Steinman, Betsy Erkkila, Cyrena A. Pondrom, and others.
The Woman and Her Poetry
Grace Schulman, “Marianne Moore and the American Renaissance”
Andrew J. Kappel, “Notes on the Presbyterian Poetry of Marianne Moore”
Louise Collins, “Marianne Moore, Melvil Dewey, and Lake Placid”
John M. Slatin, “The Town’s Assertiveness: Marianne Moore and New York City”
Daniel L. Guillory, “Marianne Moore and Technology”
The Poems and a Play
Charles Molesworth, “Moore’s Masterpiece: The Pangolin’s Alternating Blaze”
Ann Struthers, “Marianne Moore’s Use of Grace in ‘The Pangolin’”
Margaret Holley, “‘Granite and Steel’: The Artist as Anthologist”
Ruth Carrington, “Marianne Moore’s Metaphysical Giraffe”
Jeredith Merrin, “Re-Seeing the Sea: Marianne Moore’s ‘A Grave’ as a Woman Writer’s Re-vision”
Elizabeth Gregory, “‘Silence’ and Restraint”
Bonnie Honigsblum, “Marianne Moore’s Revisions of ‘Poetry’”
Jeffrey D. Peterson, “Notes on the Poem(s) ‘Poetry’: The Ingenuity of Moore’s Poetic ‘Place’”
Maureen Wagner, “The Inclusive Impulse in the Poetry of Marianne Moore”
Bruce Henderson, “Marianne Moore and The Absentee: The Poet as Playwright”
Poet among Poets, a Painter and Critics
Sister Bernetta Quinn, “The Artist as Armored Animal: Marianne Moore, Randall Jarrell”
Linda Leavell, “Marianne Moore and Georgia O’Keeffe: ‘The Feelings of a Mother – a Woman or a Cat’”
Lisa Steinman, “‘The Magnanimity of a Poetry which Transfigures What It Values’: Marianne Moore and Josephine Miles”
Betsy Erikkila, “Elizabeth Bishop and Marianne Moore: The Dynamics of Female Influences”
Rosanne Wasserman, “‘A Tutelary Muse’: Moore’s Influence on Bishop”
Cyrena N. Pondrom, “Marianne Moore and H.D.: Female Community and Poetic Achievement”
Peggy Phelan, “Weapons and Scalpels: The Early Poetry of H.D. and Marianne Moore”
Christopher J. Knight, “Marianne Moore: Appreciating Both the Trope of the Imagination and Wallace Stevens’s Handling of the Same”
Gyorgyi Voros, “Marianne Moore and Wallace Stevens: Two Versions of the Gorgeous Surface”
Bonnie Honigsblum, “An Annotated Bibliography of Works about Marianne Moore: 1977-1990”