Richard Deming and Nancy Kuhl siting behind a table speaking to other(s) out of frame
Richard Deming (left) and Nancy Kuhl (right)

Nancy Kuhl and Richard Deming Reading / December 5, 2008

Event Report

On December 5, 2008, American poets Nancy Kuhl and Richard Deming read to an audience of about 50 people in Soderberg Auditorium for the seventh and final event of the Fall 2008 schedule. Kuhl opened up the event and read from her book The Wife of the Left Hand, her chapbook The Nocturnal Factory, as well as from some new material. Deming followed and read from his manuscript “Day for Night,” and from his book Let’s Not Call it Consequence. Afterward, both Kuhl and Deming fielded questions from audience members.

For the full photoset, visit our Flickr page here.

Set List

Nancy Kuhl

from The Wife of the Left Hand (Shearsman)

The Wife of the Left Hand (1)

Wedding Party

The Affair of the Fire Eaters

Apology for New Wives

The Wife of the Left Hand (2)

from The Nocturnal Factory (Ugly Duckling)

On Hearing Voices

The Nocturnal Factory

The Truth About the Dead

Catalogue and Lexicon

Charms Against the Ghost

from new material




Archival Footage # 32 : Subjects Unidentified

Richard Deming

from “Day for Night” (ms.) and Let’s Not Call it Consequence (Shearsman 2008)

Speak at This

A Fragment of Anything You Like

Some Kinds of Love are Mistaken for Vision

You Said It

Poem Beginning with a Line From Swamp Thing

By the Time You Read This

This Rift

The Last of New England

Film Thread

Annus Mirabilis

Shall I Read From the Battle of Thermopylae

In Case of Emergency


[for Deming] With a poem about a horror film, is the point to invoke the horror? To work through the horror?

[for Deming] Why did you choose to use the prose poetry form for “Film Thread”?

[for Kuhl] Has working with old archival material in your job affected your own writing?

Do you read your poems as you hear them as you’re writing them?