Volume 12.1 / 1983

The Periplum

Carol H. Cantrell, “Quotidian to Divine: Some Notes on Canto 81”

Colin McDowell, “‘The Toys … at Auxerre’: Canto 77”

The Explicator

Matthew Little, “Pound and ”ΤΛΗ: Bishop Carame’s Translation of Avicenna as Background”

David Anderson, “Cavalcanti: Canzone to Fortune”

Peter Stoicheff, “CX/778 Revisited”

Carroll F. Terrell, “A Couple of Glosses”

The Biographer

James J. Wilhelm, “Ezra Pound’s New York, 1887-1908: A Recreation”

William French, “For ‘Gentle Graceful Dorothy,’ a Tardy Obit”

The Bibliographer

Donald Gallup and Archie Henderson, “Additions and Corrections to the Revised Edition of the Pound Bibliography”

E. R. Hagemann, “Incoming Correspondence to Dorothy and Ezra Pound at the Lilly Library”