Volume 25.1-2 / 1996

Achilles Fang
August 20, 1910-November 22, 1995


The Periplum

Peter Th. M. G. Liebregts, “Yeatsian Moods and Plotinian Ecstasy: The Question of the Self in Ezra Pound’s A Lume Spento

Kendra Langetieg, “Visions in the Crystal Ball: Ezra Pound, H.D., and the Form of the Mystical”

Cristina Guenzi, “Music and Poetry Which Evoke Nature: David Sylvian and Ezra Pound”

Peter Crisp, “Pound — Millenarian or Utopian?”

Anita George, “The Pisan Mysteries: Sex, Death and Rebirth in The Pisan Cantos

Burton Hatlen, “Pound and Nature: A Reading of Canto XXIII”

The Explicator

Edwin J. Barton, “Of Labyrinths and Vacuum Tubes: Pound, McCluhan, and Canto LXXXII”

Kathleen Capps, “The François Villon-Ezra Pound Connection: From The Testament to The Cantos

Thomas Cole, “Further Notes on Pound and His Poetry”

Thomas Dilworth, “The Other ‘Person of Some Interest’ in Pound’s ‘Portrait d’une Femme’”

Leslie Hatcher and Hugh Witemeyer, “Lord Palmerston as Factive Hero in The Cantos

Sascha Feinstein, “In Honor of the Sacred Heart: A Memoir of Schloss Brunnenburg”

A. David Moody, “‘They Dug Him up out of Sepulture’: Pound, Erigena and Fiorentino”

The Reviewer

Songpin Jin (A Guide to Ezra Pound and Ernest Fenollosa’s Classic Noh Theatre of Japan, ed. Akiko Miyake, Sanehide Kodama and Nicholas Teele)

Jesus Pardo de Santayana (Ezra Pound, Cantares Completos Tomo I [Cantares I-LI])