Welcome to Our Beta Testing Team
Important Information
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site and potentially help us with our project! We can’t wait to get started. Our prototype should be finished in February of 2021, so sit tight while we get everything ready to go on our end. In the meantime, there are three key steps involved in becoming an exclusive team member.
First, if you are interested in being a member of the test team please fill out our contact form. Because the app is designed to work with two people, we welcome co-parents who are open to testing together. That said, individuals are free to fill out the form, as well. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Emma Richardson (emmaline.richardson@maine.edu) if you have any questions!
Second, please read our info sheet and return our informed consent document. Once you have filled out our contact form, we will get in touch through email with these so you can get started! Both documents will explain the process and walk you through expectations for the actual testing.
Third, please fill out our survey once you are finished. Feedback from potential users is incredibly important, so the most important thing to remember is we are testing the PROGRAM, not YOU! Please be honest and constructive.
That’s it! Becoming a part of the app development process has never been easier. Be on the lookout for updates from our testing team!