Core (previously General Education) Pilot for New Course Applications via UPCC
In spring 2024, the Faculty Senate approved several motions that change the assessment process for Core courses. A significant part of the new process is ensuring that the Core learning outcomes and associated common rubrics are well aligned with the course content and assignments. This will help strengthen the quality of the rubric data so that it can be a better indicator of the learning taking place in Core courses. This spring (2025) the Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committee (UPCC), in collaboration with CITL and OIRA, will be piloting a modification to the UPCC approval process for courses seeking new Core designations. Once courses are conditionally approved by UPCC, the course faculty will meet with an instructional designer from CITL to discuss and record the alignment of their course content and assessments to the Core rubrics. Once this meeting has successfully been completed, the course will receive final approval. More details about this process can be found here.