Nov.2020 Newsletter

Assessment Website

The work of program assessment is iterative and ongoing, with the ultimate goal of improving  student learning.  Because we recognize that not everyone has the same capacity for this work, our goal is to support and equip units in any way we are able. While we are always available to answer questions about program assessment, […]

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Online Student Evaluations of Teaching Update

Summer All faculty and departmental reports were released in September for courses that ran in the summer session. A recent addition to the suite of reports we provide is the Combined Sections Report that combines all response data for courses listed as combined sections in MaineStreet. Currently, this report is generated only for the scale […]

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Fall 2020 Enrollment/Website Update

UMaine’s official fall enrollment as of the October 15 fall census is 11,741, 1.5% above fall 2019 enrollment.  Undergraduate enrollment is at 9,465, which is roughly the same as last year. Graduate enrollment is 2,276, 7% above last year.   We welcomed 2,059 first-year students, 478 new transfer students, and just over 750 graduate students […]

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