Invited Assessment Speaker
The Value of Assessment: Small Strategies with Big Impact
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 2-3 PM
Dr. Sandra Bailey is professor of business management at Oregon Institute of Technology. She is also the former director of academic excellence at Oregon Tech. During her seven-year tenure as director she guided the institution from an accountability focus to an improvement orientation coordinating assessment with curricular design and faculty professional development. At Oregon Tech she also led a task force in a comprehensive general education review using assessment results and the Degree Qualifications Profile to guide the redesign of general education. Oregon Tech’s new Essential Studies program is an integrated general education program with clear alignment to institutional student learning outcomes. Bailey served on the steering committee of the Multi-State Collaborative to Advance Quality Student Learning (MSC), serves as a reviewer for the Excellence in Assessment designation, and was the Oregon state lead for AAC&U’s Faculty Collaboratives project. She has organized statewide faculty conferences in Oregon and facilitated assignment design workshops with faculty across the country.
All UMS employees are invited to attend. Please register and submit questions here.