Major Capital Construction Projects & Services
Office of Facilities Management
Capital projects are construction/renovation projects costing more than $50,000. There are complex issues to be addressed that include topics such as financing, siting, utility service, designer selection, permitting, contractor selection and construction quality.
The standards, regulations and code issues that are addressed within each project include:
As a public institution, UMaine and UMaine Machias are subject to laws and policies that define how competitiveness and fairness goals will be addressed in the selection of designers and builders, how contractors will be paid and how disputes will be settled. All of these issues are addressed with the assistance of the Project Manager.
Current Projects
The University of Maine (UMaine) and the University of Maine at Machias (UMaine Machias) are actively managing approximately 140 capital construction and space management projects, of which 40 have large capital projects (budgets over $500,000), representing a total investment of $561.18 million. These initiatives are categorized as follows:
- Research, Academic, and Innovation Projects: 16 projects totaling approximately $186.65 million.
- Auxiliary Projects: 4 projects totaling approximately $10.68 million.
- Infrastructure and Space Projects: 13 projects totaling approximately $177.81 million.
- Athletics Projects: 8 projects totaling approximately $186 million.
Percent for Art
The Maine Percent for Art law was enacted in 1979 to provide for art in public buildings. Under the law, an amount equal to one percent of the construction budget is set aside to purchase original works of art for new or renovated buildings receiving state funds. In the case of public schools, a maximum of $50,000 may be used for art purchases.