Laboratory and Clinical Uniform Requirements

NUR 106– Navy UMaine School of Nursing jacket and name badge with professional attire OR ceil blue pants and top, white shoes, and patch. Optional: Blue headband. Ceil blue scrub top.
NUR 202 and 302– Navy UMaine School of Nursing jacket ceil blue scrubs, white shoes, and patch. Optional: blue headband, white long sleeve shirt under ceil blue scrub top.
NUR 201 and 306 clinical– Ceil blue pants and top, white closed-toe shoes with back. Navy jacket and headband. UMaine nursing patch on the left sleeve.
NUR 335, 341, 414, and 417 clinical– Ceil blue pants and top, white closed-toe shoes with back. Navy UMaine School of Nursing jacket and navy headband. UMaine nursing patch on the left sleeve.
NUR 453– Khaki (or neutral dress pants) with white top, navy UMaine School of Nursing jacket, and name badge.
NUR455– Any color scrub, white closed-toe shoes with back. Navy jacket and headband. UMaine nursing patch on the left sleeve.
Graduate clinical– Business casual. Navy UMaine School of Nursing jacket and navy headband, recommended.
Nursing Uniforms
- UMaine School of Nursing jacket and headband
- Ceil blue scrubs
- Name badge
- UMaine School of Nursing patch
All uniform items are to be purchased in the bookstore. This is a new requirement for all new purchases of uniforms to present a cohesive and distinguishable appearance of our students. We have worked together with the bookstore to offer you affordable, comfortable, and stylish options.
Students should plan on purchasing the following items during NUR 101 in preparation of their 106 lab. These items are required.

- UMaine Nursing Jacket $39.99 (+10 embroidered)
Men’s Nursing Jacket
Women’s Nursing Jacket - Undergraduate Name Badge $11.25
Students should plan on purchasing the remaining items during their NUR 106 course or prior. All items will be required for entry into NUR 201 clinical.
- Ceil blue scrub top and bottom. Jockey and Wonder Wink brands available.
Men’s scrub top
Men’s Wonderlink scrub pants
Men’s Jockey scrub pants
Women’s scrub top
Women’s Wonderlink scrub joggers
Women’s Jockey scrub pants - UMaine nursing patch $3.99 (to be worn on the left sleeve of nursing scrubs).
- UMaine badge reel $3.99
- UMaine navy headband $6.99 (This item is optional but it is the only headband approved for use in the clinical setting.)
- Stethoscope – Also available for purchase in the bookstore.
- White closed toe shoes will be purchased by the student individually and not available for purchase at the bookstore.
Labs will have specific requirements and will be communicated in the course syllabus.
Supplies – You will be required to purchase a stethoscope for your first lab course. All other labs will have lab kits available for purchase in the bookstore. Your lab kit will be specific to the needs of the course you are enrolled in.