STEM education in the ice age
Thirty Maine middle school and high school teachers were at the Schoodic Institute Sept. 23–25 to learn more about the state’s ice age trail, and how its history and evidence across the landscape could make Earth science lessons come alive. The teachers were joined by researchers from the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center), based at the University of Maine, and glacial geologist Harold Borns. Maine’s Ice Age Trail: Down East, Map and Guide was developed by Borns, professor emeritus of glacial and quaternary geology, and founder of UMaine’s Climate Change Institute. Participants visited nine sites on the Maine Ice Age Trail and took part in student-centered learning activities. Based on these experiences, teacher teams began the development of place-relevant science lessons for Maine middle and high school students.
Contact: Margaret Nagle, 207.581.3745