President Ferrini-Mundy

Today’s Fall Convocation will be live streamed

Today’s Fall Convocation will be live streamed using the following Zoom link: The event, which launches a year of focus on fostering learner success at the University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias, begins with a processional at 3:50 p.m. in Hauck Auditorium. It will feature a keynote address by President […]

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Donors celebrating 55th UMaine Class Reunion to name engineering building

Skowhegan natives E. James “Jim” Ferland and Eileen P. Ferland are the formerly anonymous donors whose $10 million investment will help construct the Engineering Education and Design Center at the University of Maine. The new facility will be named in honor of the couple. The announcement was made by University of Maine Foundation president and […]

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WABI showcases Friday’s Maine Hello for new students

WABI (Channel 5) covered Friday’s Maine Hello welcome for the 2,000-plus incoming first-year and new students, and their families. About 700 students and staff greeted the new Black Bears and helped them move into residence halls. University of Maine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy encouraged new students to “explore this campus. Really experience the full University of […]

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WABI, WVII cover Early College orientation for high school students 

WABI (Channel 5) and WVII (Channel 7) covered Early College orientation at the University of Maine. More than 300 high school students from 120 schools are getting a head start on higher education at UMaine this fall, WABI reported. Through a partnership between the Maine Department of Education and UMaine, tuition is waived for all […]

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Maine coast

$20 million grant awarded for Maine Environmental DNA initiative to support coastal ecosystems 

A $20 million grant from the National Science Foundation EPSCoR program will fund a five-year initiative that aims to revolutionize environmental monitoring, ecological understanding and sustainability of coastal ecosystems. The University of Maine is partnering with Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and other collaborators in education, government agencies, citizen’s groups and local industry statewide. “The […]

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President Ferrini-Mundy talks with Ellsworth American about UMM progress

University of Maine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy told The Ellsworth American that she’s optimistic about changes at the University of Maine at Machias since it became a regional campus of UMaine. Marine science programs, for instance, continue to be a staple. And new programs — including nursing —are being added. And starting next year, full-tuition scholarships […]

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Megan Driscoll presents at the Darling Marine Center

Students share marine science research at SEA Fellows Symposium

Megan Driscoll wants to replace plastic made of petroleum with plastic made of algae.  So this summer, the University of Maine intern made algae-based bioplastic and documented how it broke down over time in the Damariscotta River Estuary.   Driscoll, a junior marine sciences major from Chelmsford, Massachusetts, presented her project Aug. 6 at the fourth […]

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