News Releases

A photo of a person looking at a trap

Pest predictor identifies ingredients for ecological recipe for destruction

If you’ve felt the familiar itch of browntail moth rash, seen the grayish-green needles of an infested hemlock or watched as woodpeckers bore into ash trees for a meal hidden beneath the surface, you’ve experienced the devastating effects of non-native pests. Browntail moth, hemlock wooly adelgid and emerald ash borer are only three of the […]

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A photo of the Stevens Hall cupola

University of Maine announces spring 2024 Dean’s List

The University of Maine recognized 3,070 students for achieving Dean’s List honors in the spring 2024 semester. Of the students who made the Dean’s List, 2,064 are from Maine, 962 are from 40 other states and 44 are from 17 countries other than the U.S. To be eligible for the full-time Dean’s List, a student […]

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A photo of hands holding the satellite module

Maine’s first research satellite enters orbit

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to reflect the successful launch of Maine’s first research satellite into orbit early morning on Thursday, July 4. Maine’s first research satellite launched into the stratosphere in the early morning on Thursday, July 4. During its six-month to two-year orbit, MESAT1 will use its astronomical view to gather […]

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A photo of a foggy forest in fall

Forest-based economy, jobs focus of new university-nonprofit partnership

A $7 million grant from the National Science Foundation will fund a four-year statewide collaborative project led by the University of Maine to foster resilient forest communities in Maine.   Maine-FOREST, or Forest-based Opportunities for Resilient Economy, Sustainability and Technology, will expand the state’s research and educational capacity to connect human and ecosystem focused innovations and […]

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Photo from New Student Orientation of one of our incoming students working with a graduate research assistant in Justin Dimmel's VR lab

UMaine receives NSF award to help rural schools recruit, educate and train STEM teachers

With rural schools facing significant shortages of highly-qualified teachers, particularly those in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development will use a grant from the National Science Foundation to boost support for future and current STEM educators in rural school districts. The nearly $100,000 award […]

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A photo of the 66-foot sailboat named the Ocean Tramp

Graduate student documents Chilean research voyage with photography

The boat where Maraina Miles lived for a month was equipped with a small oven large enough for a tray of brownies, a four-burner gas stove and a mini refrigerator. Most of the perishables, such as avocados and cabbage, were stored on the top deck, kept cool by the Chilean weather and chest freezers.   Despite […]

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A photo of two students writing on an interactive monitor

Math teachers enhance instruction with support from UMaine’s RiSE Center 

Derek Bizier doesn’t teach his eighth grade math students the same way he learned in middle school — primarily through lectures. Instead, his students at Leonard Middle School in Old Town spend most of class out of their seats solving problems in small groups on large vertical whiteboards throughout the classroom. The questions students answer […]

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A photo of a person looking at a piece of wood

New study uncovers how shipworms plagued seafarers for millennia

For thousands of years, shipworms — a family of mollusks found in oceans — sank wooden vessels, ravaged wharfs and shipwrecked sailors. They even devastated the Spanish Armada in the 16th century. Exactly how they have been able to wreak such havoc has remained a mystery, until now.  A new study published in the journal […]

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