News Releases

Hands putting food in a cardboard box

UMaine community to pack 20,000 meals for local food pantries

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., members of the University of Maine community will pack between 20,000 and 30,000 meals for distribution to local food pantries on Jan. 23. The university recently was awarded a $1,800 grant from Iowa Campus Compact to aid the MLK Day of Service Community Partnership Project. The project is […]

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Coast of Maine in Acadia National Park

Oceanography professor selected to deliver Rachel Carson Lecture

A prominent University of Maine oceanographer will deliver a lecture named in honor of her inspiration, pioneer marine biologist Rachel Carson, at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in December in San Francisco. School of Marine Sciences Professor Mary Jane Perry’s address is titled “The Subpolar North Atlantic Spring Bloom – What Did We Learn […]

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Assistive jogging device on track

Researchers awarded $225,000 for testing, commercialization of mobility aid

An aesthetically designed mobility aid created by University of Maine researchers to meet the growing need for adaptive exercise engagement has received nearly $225,000 from the National Institute on Aging. The one-year $224,999 National Institutes of Health Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant will involve precision testing and the initiation of commercialization of […]

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Matt Dexter and woman with check

Philanthropist helps others by putting one foot in front of other

Matt Dexter believes one person can change the world. The fourth-year University of Maine student is doing his part by raising money for and connecting with people with cancer. Dexter is president and founder of the Christine B. Foundation — named in honor of his mother, an enthusiastic volunteer who died of stomach cancer when […]

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Noah Oppenheim

Noah Oppenheim: Lobster presentation best at ecosystem symposium

In November, Noah Oppenheim won the best student oral presentation award at the American Lobster in a Changing Ecosystem symposium in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. “Forecasting the future of the American lobster in the Gulf of Maine and Southern New England: Trouble on the horizon?” was the title of his talk. In it, the University […]

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Innovate for Maine program seeking interns, growing Maine companies

The University of Maine’s Foster Center for Student Innovation is seeking motivated, innovative Maine college students and companies that want to make a difference in the state through the Innovate for Maine Fellows program. The program connects the best and brightest Maine college students with the state’s most exciting, growing companies as a way to […]

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Holberton: Birds of a feather don’t always migrate together

The half-ounce songbirds that fly 1,800 miles nonstop over the Atlantic Ocean to winter in South America haven’t had a lot to chirp about lately. The number of Blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata) documented on the move through migration monitoring sites in the Gulf of Maine region has declined dramatically at some locations over the last […]

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Maine Policy Review releases ‘Special Issue on Aging’

Maine, which is the oldest state in the nation in terms of median age and has more baby boomers per capita than any other state, can be a leader in addressing the issues of an aging population, according to the recently published issue of Maine Policy Review. “This special issue was prepared to serve as […]

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