Black Bear profiles

Research: Shifting ecosystems in the Falkland Islands

Read transcript University of Maine researchers, including Kit Hamley, explore how extinct and introduced animals affect the Falkland Islands and seek to help farmers, sheep, tussock grass, tourists and penguins coexist in light of competing interests, sea-level rise and erosion. Hamley helped develop the 4-H Follow A ResearcherTM program at UMaine, which connects K–12 students […]

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Arts & Culture: Katie Keaton takes the stage

Read transcript Alumna Katie Keaton, ’16, embraced her undergraduate experience as a theatre major with a double minor in dance and business management. For Keaton, immersing herself in the performing arts at UMaine — both onstage and backstage — made her happy. The Caribou, Maine native was deeply involved in various UMaine clubs and organizations. She was a […]

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Chantel Banus

Chantel Banus: Exploring consumer acceptance of seaweed products

Chantel Banus, second-year master’s student in human nutrition at the University of Maine, is working to determine the factors that influence consumer purchase of seaweed products in the United States. Banus is conducting a survey to see what consumers are looking for in seaweed products and what influences their decision to purchase them. She wants […]

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