
AP quotes Beal in articles on new clam industry rules

The Associated Press quoted Brian Beal, a professor of marine ecology at the University of Maine at Machias, in articles about new harvest rules for Maine’s clam industry. Maine is the country’s leading producer of soft-shell clams, but the harvest has fallen in recent years — 2017 and 2018 had the lowest harvest for any […]

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Thirty-four UMaine faculty members receive tenure and/or promotion

Thirty-four University of Maine faculty have received tenure and/or promotion. The faculty members were nominated by UMaine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy based on a peer and administrative review of their successful teaching, research and public service, and approved by the University of Maine System Board of Trustees. “We are extremely proud of our world-class faculty who […]

Read more publishes UMaine release on blue mussels, ocean acidification published a University of Maine news release about research that suggests blue mussels could be more resilient than other cultivated species to increased ocean acidity and storms predicted to affect the Gulf of Maine as a result of climate change. The research team, which was led by Tim Bowden, an associate professor of aquaculture […]

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New study finds blue mussels resilient to ocean acidification

Blue mussels, the predominant species used in aquaculture in Maine, may be more resilient than other cultivated species to the increased seawater acidity and storms predicted to hit the Gulf of Maine as a consequence of climate change, according to a University of Maine research team. A study led by Tim Bowden, an associate professor […]

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NOAA biologist to discuss use of environmental DNA in aquaculture science

The University of Maine Aquaculture Research Institute will host Yuan Liu, a biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Nov. 27 as part of the 2018–2019 SEANET Speaker Series. Liu will speak about “Application of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Metabarcoding in Aquaculture Science,” 11 a.m.–noon in Norman Smith Hall, Room 107. The talk is free […]

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AP quotes Beal in article about coastal warming, shellfish

The Associated Press quoted Brian Beal, a professor of marine ecology at the University of Maine at Machias and the director of research at the Downeast Institute, in an article about the impacts of coastal warming on shellfish populations. The article focused on a study by researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and […]

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Mount Desert Islander interviews Beal about weather, clam decline

The Mount Desert Islander spoke with Brian Beal, a professor of marine ecology at the University of Maine at Machias and director of research at the Downeast Institute, for the article “Weather, not overfishing to blame for clam decline.” A recent study out of NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center and the Maryland Department of Natural […]

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Mainebiz interviews Hamlin about sea lice, salmon farming research

Heather Hamlin, an associate professor of aquaculture at the University of Maine, spoke with Mainebiz about her recently funded research on ways to address the issue of sea lice in salmon farming. Hamlin, Deborah Bouchard and Ian Bricknell of UMaine’s Aquaculture Research Institute were awarded $725,365 by National Sea Grant College, a program of the […]

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AP reports UMaine to receive NOAA grants for aquaculture research

The Associated Press reported the University of Maine will receive funding from NOAA Sea Grant, which supports fishery and coastal projects, for aquaculture research. Three researchers at UMaine’s Aquaculture Research Institute will receive more than $700,000 to work on ways to address the issue of sea lice in salmon farming, according to AP. Another UMaine […]

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Aquaculture projects receive $1.4 million in grants from NOAA

NOAA Sea Grant announces the award of $1.4 million in grants to the University of Maine for two projects to further advance the development of a sustainable marine and coastal aquaculture industry in the United States. The National Sea Grant College Program awarded $725,365 to Heather Hamlin, Deborah Bouchard and Ian Bricknell of the Aquaculture […]

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