Sustainability Solutions and Technologies

Immediate Family to Hold Nine Degrees from UMaine Following Commencement

When Margaret McCollough graduates from the University of Maine at the institution’s 213th Commencement on May 9, her immediate family will hold nine degrees from the university. McCollough, who will earn a bachelor’s degree in sustainable agriculture, is the daughter of Catherine Elliott and Mark McCollough of Hampden, who met at UMaine in the 1980s. […]

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UMaine Study: Residents Support Investing in Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy

Fifty-two percent of surveyed Maine adults supported increasing all Mainers’ monthly electricity bills to invest in renewable energy options and/or energy efficiency programs to reduce carbon emissions. That’s according to a University of Maine study that also found 37 percent of the nearly 400 respondents viewed energy efficiency and renewable energy investments as complementary. They […]

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Carnegie Foundation Classification

Carnegie Foundation Selects UMaine for 2015 Community Engagement Classification

The University of Maine is one of 240 colleges and universities in the United States selected to receive the 2015 Community Engagement Classification of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. UMaine and 156 other institutions received reclassification; 83 colleges and universities received first-time classification. In 2008, UMaine and Bates College were the first […]

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Falkland Islands

UMaine Researchers to Travel to Falkland Islands

Learning more about the biodiversity of the Falkland Islands and what can be done to preserve it is the focus of a planned trip for three University of Maine researchers. Jacquelyn Gill, an assistant professor of paleoecology and plant ecology in the University of Maine’s School of Biology and Ecology and Climate Change Institute (CCI), […]

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UMaine Scientists Developing Green Adhesive Made of CNF, as Well as a Plant to Produce Large Quantities of Wood-Based Fibers

University of Maine researchers have been awarded $700,000 to develop eco-friendly particleboard panels with adhesive made of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF), as well as design a commercial-scale plant to manufacture the CNF. With one $350,000 grant, UMaine scientists Mehdi Tajvidi, William Gramlich, Doug Bousfield, Doug Gardner and Mike Bilodeau, as well as John Hunt from the […]

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Mitchell Lecture

Harvard Professor to Deliver Sen. George J. Mitchell Lecture Oct. 2

The Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine will host the 7th annual Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability Oct. 2 with a talk by Harvard University’s William Clark of the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Sen. George J. Mitchell and UMaine President Susan Hunter are scheduled to make remarks. […]

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ESTIA Conference

11th Annual ESTIA Conference to be Held Oct. 24–25

“Building Sustainable Communities: International, National and Local Perspectives” is the theme of the 11th annual ESTIA conference to be held Oct. 24–25 at the University of Maine. The goal of this year’s conference is to inform the UMaine community about international, national and local efforts in sustainability and peace by emphasizing the importance of ethics […]

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Evolutionary Tools Improve Prospects for Sustainable Future

While evolution often evokes thoughts about ancient origins of life, University of Maine researcher Michael Kinnison says applied evolutionary biology is about improving the future — including pressing matters of day-to-day life and issues of international policy. A paper by lead authors from the University of Copenhagen and the University of California, Davis, as well […]

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