Sustainability Solutions and Technologies

pack baskets

Frey, Greenlaw seek to preserve basketmaking, black ash trees

Gabriel Frey and Suzanne Greenlaw strive to honor the tradition, celebrate the present and preserve the future of basketmaking. And the husband and wife will be selling baskets at the 22nd annual Maine Indian Basketmakers Holiday Market on Saturday, Dec. 10, in the Hudson Museum at the Collins Center for the Arts at the University […]

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Student works on an energy-efficient window insert

Students to deliver ‘lightning talks’ on sustainability projects

Eight University of Maine students from a variety of disciplines will have five minutes each to present their sustainability projects on Nov. 21. The “Sustainability Lightning Talks” will begin at 3 p.m. in Norman Smith Hall, Room 107. Students will give details of their specific research related to a larger group project. The projects cover […]

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Map of the world made of grain on a plate, with a fork and spoon on either side

Mitchell Lecture to focus on ‘Our Unending Pursuit to Feed Civilization’

Ruth DeFries, the Denning Family Professor of Sustainable Development and University Professor at Columbia University, will give the 2016 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability at the University of Maine in Orono Oct. 20. Her free public lecture, “Between Optimism and Pessimism: Our Unending Pursuit to Feed Civilization,” will begin at 1 p.m. at the Wells Conference […]

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WABI interviews Hallsworth at Children’s Water Festival

WABI (channel 5) covered the Children’s Water Festival that drew more than 600 middle-school students to the University of Maine on Tuesday to learn about the value of clean water and healthy habitats. “So this festival is all about learning about water and water resources,” said Ruth Hallsworth, strategic program manager at the Senator George […]

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Andrew Newcomb: Ph.D. student banks on the future of dams

Only months after completing his bachelor’s degree at Colby College and fresh from a stint as a field technician for the National Aquatic Monitoring Center based in Utah, Andrew Newcomb had no immediate plans to pursue a post-graduate degree. Until, that is, he got wind of a Ph.D. research assistant position at UMaine as part […]

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Old license plates

Hudson Museum exhibit explores how thriftiness conserves Earth’s resources

Cindy Isenhour doesn’t subscribe to the adage “out with the old, in with the new.” The planet can’t sustain it, says the assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Maine. Consider, she says, that each American annually throws away 1,400 pounds of stuff and that 11,000 gallons of water are used to produce one […]

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UMaine dragonfly research mentioned in California’s Benito Link

University of Maine dragonfly research was mentioned in a Benito Link article about Pinnacles National Park in California. Volunteers there took part in dragonfly nymph sampling, which is part of a nationwide project between the National Park Service, United States Geological Survey and the University of Maine. The project, according to the article, includes citizen […]

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International sustainability conference to feature four free keynote addresses

The Second International Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative, June 15–17 at the University of Maine, will feature four keynote addresses by international experts. The presentations are free and open to the public. The Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) is an international network of scholars and practitioners focused on furthering […]

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