STEM Education

Ice core

Winski to analyze Alaskan ice core to understand fire conditions in 21st century

The National Science Foundation awarded Dominic Winski $137,419 to reconstruct 1,500 years of summer climate and wildfire history in Alaska, western Canada and Siberia using an ice core from Denali National Park. Studies that combine past records of summer climate and wildfire are critically needed, says Winski. “Right now, the climate and landscape are changing. […]

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Emma Taccardi

SEANET’s legacy: The impact of interdisciplinary aquaculture research on Maine

The Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture Network (SEANET) was officially completed in January 2020. Since August 2014, the program developed new aquaculture siting tools, discovered new information pertaining to emerging aquaculture sectors, provided suggestions regarding food safety, and continued providing information on aquaculture research outcomes to state officials, stakeholders and community members.  SEANET, funded by the National […]

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Strengthening impacts of Arctic research topic of Feb. 28 workshop

The UMaine Arctic Initiative, in collaboration with the Office of Research Development, will hold a workshop titled “Strengthening the impact of your Arctic research,” from noon to 1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, in the Bangor Room of Memorial Union.  Panelists Laura Millay, research and evaluation coordinator at the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education; […]

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Learn about fermentation, fish, climate change at Maine Science Festival Pop-Ups 

Three Maine Science Festival Pop-Up Events are planned for January, ahead of the full festival March 18–22. Science on Tap Hits the Road: Fermentation Edition, 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, Orchard Girls Cidery, 375 Main St., Kingfield. Jennifer Perry, University of Maine assistant professor of food microbiology, will give an overview of fermentation, and Orchard […]

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Advertiser Democrat interviews two new employees hired at Oxford County Extension

The Advertiser Democrat reported University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Oxford County has recently hired two new staff members. Emma Fournier joined the organization in July as a horticulture community education assistant, focusing on residential/consumer programs through outreach and by request. “I help homeowners with their questions, providing publications and helping identify plants and insects,” […]

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Expanding Your Horizons seeks volunteers for Oct. 15

Expanding Your Horizons is an annual conference at the University of Maine dedicated to inspiring girls to recognize their potential and pursue opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math.  This year, more than 300 middle school girls will come to UMaine on Tuesday, Oct. 15 for presentations, workshops and other hands-on STEM activities with scientists […]

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AP reports on Minecraft project to educate youth about space

The Associated Press announced that University of Illinois and University of Maine researchers are working on a project to use the video game Minecraft to get students interested in science and space. University of Illinois educational psychology professor H. Chad Lane leads the project and UMaine astrophysicist Neil F. Comins is a collaborator. The team […]

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Minecraft of a laptop computer

UMaine astrophysicist collaborates on $2.7 million STEM initiative with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

A research team led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and in collaboration with University of Maine astrophysicist Neil F. Comins will use the video game Minecraft to motivate interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) topics. Using the Minecraft platform, children can ask space-related what if questions to explore hypothetical exoplanets and […]

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