STEM Education

FAME honors Pulp and Paper Foundation with 2020 Education at Work Award

The University of Maine Pulp and Paper Foundation has received the 2020 Education at Work for Maine Award from the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) in recognition of their role in revitalizing Maine’s forest products industry. The mission of the foundation is to sustain a critical pipeline of talented engineers by recruiting, training and providing […]

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Media highlight Extension’s rural youth STEM education initiative

The Bangor Daily News, Morning Ag Clips and The Piscataquis Observer shared a news release about University of Maine Cooperative Extension, in partnership with the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension and University of Vermont Extension, developing and delivering remote STEM and agricultural sciences programming to rural K–12 students across the three-state region. The U.S. […]

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Pen Bay Pilot, Eurekalert highlight UMaine hosting 2021 NSF Conference

The Penobscot Bay Pilot and Eurekalert shared a media release about the National Science Foundation awarding the University of Maine more than $700,000 to host the 27th NSF EPSCoR National Conference in Portland in November 2021. The theme of the national EPSCoR (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) conference will be “Translating Stakeholder Needs into Impactful Research Outcomes.” […]

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Pen Bay Pilot posts piece about 4-H Centers providing outdoor, STEM education

Penobscot Bay Pilot shared a University of Maine Cooperative Extension story about UMaine 4-H partnering with schools for outdoor, STEM education. University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s 4-H Learning Centers — including Blueberry Cove 4-H Camp and Learning Center in Tenants Harbor, Tanglewood 4-H Camp and Learning Center in Lincolnville, and the 4-H Camp and Learning […]

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Hands holding pine cones

UMaine 4-H Centers partner with Maine K–12 schools to provide outdoor and STEM education for students

University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s 4-H Learning Centers will play a pivotal role in the education plans of K–12 schools in Maine communities this fall by providing venues for vibrant outdoor learning, and experiential STEM and outdoor education lessons that add depth to standard grade-level curriculum.  “Outdoor learning centers are playing a significant role in […]

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