School of Food and Agriculture

Camire speaks to Atlanta Business Journal about buying organic

Mary Ellen Camire, professor of food science and human nutrition, was interviewed by the Atlanta Business Journal about how to shop for organic foods without breaking the bank. Camire discussed the impact of importing produce in general, noting that bringing conventional or organic produce from a distance can have a negative impact on its nutrient […]

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Perry featured by BDN about regulating harvested seaweed

Jennifer Perry, a professor of food microbiology at the University of Maine, was featured by the Bangor Daily News about the challenge of developing well-fitting food safety regulations for harvested seaweed. Perry has been working with seaweed food safety for years and said there are a number of factors that make it hard to craft […]

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Lichtenwalner featured on Maine Science Podcast

Anne Lichtenwalner, associate professor of animal and veterinary sciences with University of Maine Cooperative Extension and director of the University of Maine Animal Health Laboratory, was featured on an episode of the Maine Science Podcast from the Maine Science Festival. Lichtenwalner spoke about her career conducting research about and serving Maine’s animal industries.

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Ortiz research on 3D printing weeds featured in PenBay Pilot, Morning Ag Clips

The Penobscot Bay Pilot and Morning Ag Clips featured Sonora Ortiz, an undergraduate at the University of Maine whose research focuses on developing artificial weeds using 3D printing and nanocoating technology with the goal of improving physical weed removal and reducing the need for pesticides. Ortiz was recently awarded the 2022 John Jachetta Undergraduate Research […]

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BDN features UMaine Aroostook Farm potato research

The Bangor Daily News featured the Aroostook Farm research facility in Presque Isle, where the University of Maine’s potato breeding program develops new varieties of potatoes that are more resistant to disease, climate change and other stressors. Gregory Porter, UMaine professor of crop ecology and management and the leader of the potato breeding program, said […]

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WFVX and WABI report on culinary arts cookoff

WFVX (Fox 22/ABC 7 in Bangor) and WABI (Channel 5 in Bangor) reported on a competition where high school students attending nine Career and Technical Education culinary arts programs from across the state competed in a fast-paced cooking challenge at the University of Maine. As part of the USDA’s Professional Development Literacy Grant, 14 student […]

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Great Lakes Echo cites UMaine research about blueberries and climate change

In an article about the impact of climate change on blueberries, the Great Lakes Echo cited a study in which University of Maine researchers heated chambers to simulate a warming climate. The article noted that when researchers tested a temperature increase of 3–5 degrees Celsius, they found that wild blueberry plants would photosynthesize less and […]

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