School of Food and Agriculture

Media share Mitchell Center event on farmers dealing with drought

The Bangor Daily News, Sun Journal, Penobscot Bay Pilot and reported that the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine will host a talk, “Dealing with Drought: Aligning farmer needs and advisor confidence, skills, and expertise,” on March 27 at 3 p.m. To register and receive connection information, see […]

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Morning Ag Clips notes Pereira presentation at Herd Health and Nutrition Conference

Morning Ag Clips noted that Glenda Pereira, assistant Extension professor, assistant professor of animal science and dairy specialist at the University of Maine, will present at the Herd Health and Nutrition Conference April 3–4 in East Syracuse, New York. Pereira’s presentation will focus on a comparison of crossbreds with holsteins for confinement and pasture production […]

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UMaine invites members of the public to snack for science

The University of Maine is recruiting taste testers for its food science Sensory Evaluation Center. Members of the public who are 18 and older are invited to subscribe to an email list that announces taste testing opportunities.  The lab tests everything from seafood to spuds to help researchers and companies evaluate the palatability of new […]

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Witter Center’s dairy herd ranked eighth in the nation

The herd of Holsteins at the University of Maine’s J.F. Witter Teaching and Research Center is among ten best at U.S. colleges and universities, an annual ranking by the Holstein Association says.  The 26-cow herd placed third in New England and tied for eighth in the association’s nationwide 2022 Breed Age Average ranking. Breed Age […]

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Camire named editor-in-chief of leading food science journal

University of Maine food science professor Mary Ellen Camire has been named the first dedicated editor-in-chief for the journal Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS).  The journal ranks third among more than 140 food science and technology journals worldwide. Camire has served as scientific editor of the journal since 2018. In that […]

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UMaine hosts dairy travel course for six universities

Animal and veterinary science students from six universities toured Maine’s dairy industry this month in a travel course hosted by the University of Maine.  More than 40 students and their advisors from universities in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont joined the statewide tour. Five students from the University of Maine participated as […]

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Ishaq co-authors article for Brooklyn Eagle

Sue Ishaq, assistant professor of animal and veterinary sciences at the University of Maine, co-authored an article for the Brooklyn Eagle about the benefits of compost. The article explains that compost is so powerful in improving soils that it is often called “black gold.” The article explains how composts feed soils, how access to compost […]

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Brickman consults for Global Forum of Innovation in Health Professional Education

Lily Brickman, a graduate student of food science and human nutrition at the University of Maine and a former Gerontological Workforce Enhancement Program graduate assistant, served as a student consultant to the Global Forum of Innovation in Health Professional Education convened by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. The forum, which took place […]

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