
Kaye comments in story on caregivers

Prof. Len Kaye, director of UMaine’s Center on Aging, was quoted in a Central Maine Morning Sentinel feature story about the challenges faced by those providing care for elderly relatives.  The story includes perspectives on the support services available for those in such situations, especially in Maine, where the story says that network is “expanding.”

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Press Herald offshore wind story

Wednesday’s Portland Press Herald includes a report analyzing issues related to the development of deepwater offshore wind technology in Maine.  The story includes a comment from Prof. Habib Dagher, who heads up the UMaine-led DeepCWind Consortium, a group of 35 collaborating organizations working on this extensive R&D effort in the Gulf of Maine.  The Press […]

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Newspaper opinion on offshore wind investment

Saturday’s Bangor Daily News featured an editorial about deepwater offshore wind power technology development in Maine, spearheaded by the UMaine-led DeepCWind Consortium.  The editorial references reports noting public discussion about the initiative’s potential economic impact and long-term viability.  The BDN says that “a little skepticism is healthy” but that the project has appropriate “built-in benchmarks.”  […]

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