
Ph.D. graduate wins dissertation award

Jonathan Paul, who recently completed a neuroscience Ph.D. in the UMaine Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, has received the outstanding dissertation award from the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP).  Paul, who finished his UMaine degree in August, is in an NIH postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas Medical Branch Maternal-Fetal Center.  As the […]

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Television programs to highlight sustainability science

Maine Public Broadcasting Network has produced “Sustainable Maine,” two half-hour television programs focusing on sustainability science in Maine.  Several UMaine experts will appear in the programs which, as noted in an MPBN news release, detail “a new way of combining biophysical sciences with social science and economics to study Maine’s changing landscape, and how to […]

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Kreutz in report on Canadian ice cores

Prof. Karl Kreutz of the UMaine Climate Change Institute was quoted in a Nature story about the fate of a large collection or Arctic ice cores held by the Canadian government.  Scientists who work with the collection differ on the extent to which it’s future is threatened by budget cuts, but Kreutz says he believes […]

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Bayer in lobster shipping story

Prof. Bob Bayer, executive director of the Lobster Institute at UMaine, was interviewed this week for a WVII television story about a new initiative involving some Maine lobster distributors.  Those businesses are shipping lobsters to China, for a premium price.  Bayer points out that shipping such distances is complicated and costly, requiring specialized containers and […]

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Digital Humanities Week at UMaine Sept. 26-29

A series of late-September University of Maine presentations, with an accompanying online discussion forum, will enhance community dialogue related to the impact of evolving communications technologies on humanities scholarship.

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Education Commissioner Bowen at UMaine Monday Maine Education Commissioner Stephen Bowen is spending Monday Sept. 12 at UMaine, as part of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center Distinguished Maine Policy Fellow Program. Bowen will meet with students, faculty members and staff members, in addition to President Paul Ferguson and Provost Susan Hunter.

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NSF site freatures UMaine research

The National Science Foundation Science360 science news Web site features a UMaine research project on Monday, Aug. 29.  School of Marine Sciences professors Malcolm Shick and Mark Wells led an international team that determined that limitations on available iron contribute to choral bleaching.  The research was published in the journal Limnology and Oceanography.

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WVII features tuning fork project

WVII recently interviewed University of Maine Advanced Manufacturing Center Director John Belding about a new medical device, an electronic tuning fork, developed by Orono podiatrist Dr. Todd O’Brien and staff and students at the AMC. O’Brien intends to have the device mass-produced and available for physicians and also diabetics, whose foot sensitivity often is measured […]

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TV News Features Maine Policy Review’s Food Issue

Channel 7 (WVII) television news Tuesday evening featured the new special issue of the Maine Policy Review, a 248-page compilation of essays, articles and research about food and food systems in Maine, recently published by the UMaine Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center. Ann Acheson, researcher at the center and editor of the special issue, was […]

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Maine Policy Review Assesses Maine Food Systems

ORONO — The University of Maine’s Margaret Chase Policy Center has published a special issue of its Maine Policy Review, a 248-page assessment of Maine’s food and food systems, ranging from economics, energy and the environment to hunger, health and nutrition.

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