
Neivandt Talks to WVII About Implant Created by Doctors, UMaine Researche

WVII (Channel 7) spoke with David Neivandt, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Maine, about a new implant created through a collaboration between Eastern Maine Health Care Systems doctors and UMaine engineering students and researchers. The researchers said the implant has the potential to revolutionize the way doctors mount prosthetics and mend […]

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WABI, WVII Interview Grad Student About Sap Research

WABI (Channel 5) and WVII (Channel 7) interviewed Jenny Shrum, a Ph.D. candidate in the ecology and environmental sciences graduate program in the University of Maine School of Biology and Ecology. Shrum is researching the biophysical relationships between weather and sap flow. Her goal is to better understand what drives flow and how expected trends […]

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Blackstone Talks to WGME About Research on Childfree Adults

WGME (Channel 13) interviewed Amy Blackstone, an associate professor and chair of the Sociology Department at the University of Maine, for a report titled “More couples choose life without kids.” Blackstone’s research focuses on childfree couples and their motivations for not having children. She said some of the most common stereotypes of the childfree is […]

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Gabe Study Cited in Press Herald Article on Proposed Concert Venues

A Portland Press Herald article about proposed waterfront concert venues in South Portland and Westbrook cites a study by Todd Gabe, an economics professor at the University of Maine. Gabe’s study found Bangor’s Waterfront Concerts have generated more than $30 million in local spending in the first three years of the series.

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MPBN Cites UMaine Study on Lake Clarity

A Maine Public Broadcasting Network report titled “Bill to protect Maine lakes sparks disagreement,” cited information from former University of Maine graduate student Ian McCullough’s study on water clarity in Maine lakes. The study found the clarity in Maine’s lakes has declined since 1995.

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Penobscot Bay Pilot Reports on Device Developed to Detect Pathogens

The Penobscot Bay Pilot reported on a handheld device developed by University of Maine researchers to quickly detect disease-causing and toxin-producing pathogens such as algal species that can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning. The device — called a colorimeter — could be instrumental in monitoring coastal water in real-time, thereby preventing human deaths and beach closures. […]

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UMaine Researchers Studying Commercial Thinning Methods on Regenerating Clearcuts

University of Maine researchers are studying the most efficient way to commercially thin regenerating clearcuts from the spruce budworm outbreak of the 1980s that are starting to reach profitable size throughout northern Maine. With no consensus among foresters and those in the logging industry about how best to thin stands, the researchers are investigating commercial […]

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WVII Interviews Connell About Device Developed to Quickly Detect Pathogens

WVII (Channel 7) spoke with Laurie Connell, a research professor in the University of Maine School of Marine Sciences, about a handheld device she helped develop to quickly detect disease-causing and toxin-producing pathogens such as algal species that can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning. Connell said the device — called a colorimeter — could be used […]

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NECN Interviews Jacobson About Environmental Signs of Change

NECN spoke with George Jacobson, Maine’s state climatologist and professor emeritus of biology, ecology and climate change at the University of Maine, about environmental and species changes seen in Maine. The report states scientists at UMaine’s Climate Change Institute say weather is different from climate and evidence points to a warming planet. Jacobson said the […]

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